تطبيق تعليم اللغة العربية بوسيلة دوولينجو لتقوية كفاءة الترجمة بجامعة السيد على رحمة الله الإسلامية الحكوميةتولونج أجونج

MAISYAROH RIZKA MUHTAROM, 1880504220006 (2024) تطبيق تعليم اللغة العربية بوسيلة دوولينجو لتقوية كفاءة الترجمة بجامعة السيد على رحمة الله الإسلامية الحكوميةتولونج أجونج. [ Thesis ]

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Thesis entitled “Application Of Tarjamah Learning Based On The DUOLINGO Application For UIN SATU Students” written by Maisyaroh Rizka Muhtarom, NIM 1880504220006 Arabic Language Education Study Program, UIN Postgraduate Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, supervisor Dr. H. Ahmad Nurcholis, S.S M. Pd. NIP 197808012009011006 and Prof Dr. H. Kojin, M. Ag. NIP 197408292008011006 Keywords: Arabic Language Learning, DUOLINGO App, Tarjamah Skills Research Context: This thesis was motivated by the researcher’s interest in the application of DUOLINGO application-based Arabic learning to strengthen tarjamah at UIN SATU Tulungagung.The novelty of this research is a smart idea from Arabic lecturers who use DUOLINGO as a learning medium. Along with the development and expansion of technology in the world of education that is increasingly rapid, the world of education is increasingly challenged in creating new breakthroughs in the form of innovative learning applications, one of which is DUOLINGO. The use of the Dulingo application can certainly help students strengthen their musical skills. Research Focus: 1) How is DUOLINGO’s app-based Arabic learning planned? 2) What are the steps for learning Arabic based on the DUOLINGO application 3) What are the problems and solutions for learning Arabic based on the DUOLINGO application? Research Methodology: what researchers use is a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection methods using observation, interview, and documentation methods. Data analysis used by researchers in this qualitative research uses data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing. The analyzed data will be tested for validity by observation, trianggulation and peer discussion. Research Results 1) Six-step DUOLINGO application-based Arabic learning planning: Lecturers create DUOLINGO application-based Tarjamah RPS, determine effective learning strategies, determine innovative learning media, introduction and trial of the DUOLINGO application, level ability tests and determine classes into three levels 2) DUOLINGO application-based Arabic learning steps six: lecturers determine the learning material on the DUOLINGO application in accordance with their abilities. Will be achieved, choosing the level of learning on the DUOLINGO application, students preparing cellphones and tools completely, and applying tarjamah and discussing difficult questions. 3) Problems and solutions in learning Arabic learning based on the DUOLINGO application: Language problems which include weak understanding of mufradat and tarjamah rules, lack of motivation to learn Arabic, limited discussion time, and the level of questions not in accordance with the ability to be achieved. Technical problems include not all students have cellphones that support DUOLINGO, not all students have a strong internet connection and not all students are interested in the DUOLINGO application

Item Type: Thesis (UNSPECIFIED)
Subjects: Bahasa Dan Sastra > Bahasa Arab
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Thesis > Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Depositing User: 1880504220006 MAISYAROH RIZKA MUHTAROM
Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2024 01:13
Last Modified: 04 Sep 2024 01:13
URI: http://repo.uinsatu.ac.id/id/eprint/51775

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