PEER REVIEW PROSIDING:Maintain Sustainable Development Environment: Exports of Crude Petroleum, Coal, Natural Gas and Gross Domestic Product in Indonesia

197108072005011003, AGUS EKO SUJIANTO and 196901312001121003, MASHUDI (2020) PEER REVIEW PROSIDING:Maintain Sustainable Development Environment: Exports of Crude Petroleum, Coal, Natural Gas and Gross Domestic Product in Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 469 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 17551315


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The utilization of crude petroleum, coal and natural gas becomes an interesting topic because it does not only imply the national sustainable development goals (SDGs) but also becomes a source of state revenue in the form of exports to finance the state budget (in Indonesian, APBN), as in Indonesia. The objectives of the research are: (1) to examine the contribution of crude petroleum export value to GDP; (2) to examine the contribution of coal export value to GDP and (3) to examine the contribution of natural gas export value to Indonesia's GDP. This study uses quantitative approach under the type of associative research. The main data source of the study used in this research is secondary data published annually by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 1981-2014. To test the contribution of independent variable to the dependent variable, multiple linear regression analysis tools is used based on the value of Standardized Coefficients Beta. The results showed that with One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, the data was normally distributed. The classical autocorrelation assumption test obtained the result of Durbin-Watson that was 1,275 so that there is no autocorrelation in the data. The VIF value of each independent variable was less than 10 with tolerance value bigger than 0.01 so it did not contain multicollinearity problems. Heteroskedasticity test using Spearman's rho obtained result that data free from assumption of heteroscedasticity. The Heteroskedasticity test using Spearman's rho resulted that the data was free from the assumption of heteroscedasticity. Meanwhile, the results of the hypothesis testing are: (1) there is a positive contribution of export value of crude petroleum to GDP, but not significant; (2) there is a positive and significant contribution of coal exports to GDP and (3) natural gas has an insignificant negative contribution to GDP. These results indicate that Indonesian coal has a comparative and competitive advantage, and the opportunity to meet the international market remains wide open. In contrast to crude petroleum, crude petroleum exporting countries incorporated in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) limit the amount of production to maintain international price stability.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Artikel Dosen
Divisions: Karya Dosen
Depositing User: Dr 197108072005011003 AGUS EKO SUJIANTO
Date Deposited: 20 Jul 2020 22:25
Last Modified: 20 Feb 2025 02:27

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