Turnitin Implementation of Maqāṣid Sharī’ah in Reform of Case Management of Violence against Women and Children.

Kutbuddin Aibak, 197707242003121006 (2023) Turnitin Implementation of Maqāṣid Sharī’ah in Reform of Case Management of Violence against Women and Children. De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syar’iah, 15 (1). pp. 82-98. ISSN ISSN (Print): 2085-1618, ISSN (Online): 2528-1658

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This study aims to reflect on the values of maqāṣid sharī’ah in management patterns of violence cases against women and children. This is based on arguments about case management which until now has not been able to completely resolve violence against women and children in Indonesia. The presence of maqāṣid sharī’ah in the management pattern of violence against women and children is expected to hold strong legitimacy to formulate a management pattern that is integrated with the basis and values of Islamic law goals. This step is a form of embodiment to resolve violence cases against women and children through maqāṣid sharī’ah-based case management to reflect the resolution of violence cases through integrated steps to realize solutive fiqh for the matter. In an academic purview, this study uses a literature review involving primary and secondary data observed with in-depth analysis. The findings in this study indicate that maqāṣid sharī’ah has implications for the realization of protection for women and children through case management reforms.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Jurnal
Divisions: Fakultas Syariah Dan Ilmu Hukum > Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Depositing User: Dr 197707242003121006 Kutbuddin Aibak
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2024 21:04
Last Modified: 30 Aug 2024 21:04
URI: http://repo.uinsatu.ac.id/id/eprint/52338

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