(Turnitin) Kontekstualisasi Makna Bid'ah Dalam Hadis Perspektif Asy-Syatibhi Dan Hasyim Asyari: Analisis Kitab Al-I'tisham

JUMIATI BINTI HASYM, 12312193001 and SALAMAH NOORHIDAYATI, 197401241999032002 and MUHAMMAD RIDHO, 197405111998031001 (2024) (Turnitin) Kontekstualisasi Makna Bid'ah Dalam Hadis Perspektif Asy-Syatibhi Dan Hasyim Asyari: Analisis Kitab Al-I'tisham. Theology Faculty of Adab and Dakwah, State Islamic University (UIN) Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Tulungagung, Indonesia.

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The understanding of bid’ah is still a controversial issue. This difference in understanding creates enmity and threatens the unity between brothers and sisters. This article aims to describe Asy-Syatibhi and Hasyim Asyari understanding of the meaning of bid’ah in hadith, analyze the context of understanding and its contextualization and the implications of Asy-Syatibhi and Hasyim Asyari’s understanding of bid’ah in the contemporary context. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method of library research using two data sources, namely primary and secondary data sources. Primary data sources are in the form of Al-i’tisham dan Rusalah Ahlusunnah Wal Jam’ah, while secondary data sources are in the form of books, journals, other scientific works from previous research or other literature related to the research subject and the application of soft hadith. In carrying out the process of data analysis, the author uses contextualist theory approach offered by Abdullah Saeed. This study found that Asy-Syatibhi and Hasyim Asyari have different understandings in understanding the meaning of bid’ah written in the book Al-I’tisham danRisale Ahlsusunnah Wal Jam’ah. Asy-Syatibhi in understanding literal bid’ah towards bid’ah hadith by focusing only on the pronunciation and its original interpretation and only looking at the generality of the text. Meanwhile, Hasyim Asyari understands bid’ah by not looking at the generality of the text but interpreting it eith other texts to find meaning wider. Asy-Syatibhi and Hasyim Asyari understanding is influenced by their background social conditions and their struggles with society. If these differences in understanding are contextualized with the current context,of course, each will have implications for Muslim. Although the two of them have differences in understanding the hadith about bid’ah, their goal in understanding the hadith is good to protect Muslim from going astray.Keyword: Bid’ah; Understanding of bid’ah; Asy-Syatibhi; Hasyim Asyari

Item Type: Other
Subjects: Agama
Agama > Al Hadist
Agama > Tafsir Hadist
Divisions: Karya Dosen
Depositing User: Dr. 197401241999032002 Salamah Noorhidayati
Date Deposited: 31 Aug 2024 13:31
Last Modified: 31 Aug 2024 13:31
URI: http://repo.uinsatu.ac.id/id/eprint/52502

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