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Adi Wijayanto, 198110072014031002 and dkk, - (2021) Psikologi Olahraga. Research Report.[monograph]
Agus Purwowidodo, 197204172006041002 (2021) APLIKASI DAN MODA BELAJAR BERBASIS PEMBELAJARAN DARING. Discussion Paper.[monograph]
Dede Nurohman, 197112182002121003 (2021) Menyingkap Nalar Bisnis Pelaku Usaha Mikro Studi Atas Dimensi Rasionalitas Pelaku Industri Rumah Tangga Konveksi Di Jawa Timur. Research Report.[monograph]
Dr. Agus Purwowidodo, M.Pd, 197204172006041002 (2021) APLIKASI DAN MODA BELAJAR BERBASIS PEMBELAJARAN DARING. Working Paper.[monograph]
Dr. H. Ahmad Muhtadi Anshor, M. Ag., 197007202000031001 (2021) SURAT TUGAS. Other.[monograph]
Dr. H. Ahmad Muhtadi Anshor, M.Ag, 197007202000031001 (2021) JADWAL BIMBINGAN DAN UJIAN LAPORAN PPL VDR GELOMBANG 1. Other.[monograph]
Dr. H. Ahmad Muhtadi Anshor, M.Ag, 197007202000031001 (2021) SURAT TUGAS PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL. Other.[monograph]
Dr. H. Ahmad Muhtadi Anshor, M.Ag., 192007202000031001 (2021) SURAT TUGAS BKD FASIH IAIN TULUNGAGUNG 2019/2020. Other.[monograph]
Dr. H. Ahmad Muhtadi Anshor, M.Ag., 197007202000031001 (2021) Daftar Peserta PPL VDR Fakultas Syariah dan Ilmu Hukum IAIN Tulungagung 2020. Other.[monograph]
Dr. H. Ahmad Muhtadi Anshor, M.Ag., 197007202000031001 (2021) Daftar Peserta PPL VDR Fakultas Syariah dan Ilmu Hukum IAIN Tulungagung 2020 GELOMBANG II. Other.[monograph]
Dr. H. Ahmad Muhtadi Anshor, M.Ag., 197007202000031001 (2021) SURAT TUGAS KKN GELOMBANG II. Other.[monograph]
Dr. Khoirul Anam, M.Pd.I, 198008252006041007 (2021) Bukti Mengajar Ganjil 2021/2022. Project Report.[monograph]
Dr. Khoirul Anam, M.Pd.I, 198008252006041007 (2021) Bukti Mengajar Genap 2020/2021. Project Report.[monograph]
Dr. Ngainun Naim, M.H.I, 197507192003121002 (2021) DOSEN PEMBIMBING LAPANGAN LP2M IAIN TULUNGAGUNG. Other.[monograph]
Dwi Astuti Wahyu Nurhayati, 197602222009012003 (2021) Cek Plagiasi LKPD Bahasa Inggris. Research Report.[monograph]
HUSNIATI SALMA, 12508184015 and dede nurohman, 197112182002121003 (2021) Strategi Digital Fundraising Zakat, Infak dan sedekah serta penyalurannya di Indonesia. Research Report.[monograph]
Ladin, S.H.1, M.H., 2006 04 8101 (2021) SURAT PERMOHONAN PENGUJI LAPORAN PPL VDR GELOMBANG 1. Other.[monograph]
MUHAMAD MUSTOFA LUDTFI, S.Pd., M.Pd.I, 2012098402 (2021) Menunggu Senja Di Pematang Samar (Catatan Dari Balik Tangkapan Layar). Documentation.[monograph]
MULIA ARDI, 198007242014031001 (2021) Epistemologi Respon Publik terhadap Pandemi Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). Research Report.[monograph]
Muflihatul Bariroh, 199002242019032015 and Kutbuddin Aibak, 197707242003121006 (2021) Fikih Muamalah Kontemporer. Research Report.[monograph]
Mulia Ardi, 198007242014031001 (2021) Erich Fromm dan Ketidakpatuhan Publik di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Research Report.[monograph]
Prof. Dr. Maftukhin, M.Ag., 19670717 199703 1 002 (2021) SURAT KEPUTUSAN REKTOR IAIN TULUNGAGUNG NOMOR 309 TAHUN 2020. Other.[monograph]
SUSANTO, 197308311999031002 (2021) EFL Learners’ Perception on Online Learning Media during Covid-19 Pandemic. Discussion Paper.[monograph]
SUSANTO, 197308311999031002 (2021) Semiotic Analysis of Cultural Contents in Raya and the Last Dragon Movie. Discussion Paper.[monograph]
SUSANTO, 197308311999031002 (2021) Students’ Voices on the Criteria of English Tourism Material. Discussion Paper.[monograph]
Syahrul Ramadhan, 12201173169 and Novi Ayu Pradina, 12401173363 and Rizal Febri S, 12306173029 (2021) LAPORAN KKN GANDUSARI POSKO 1. Other.[monograph]