Items where Division is "Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Ilmu Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris" and Year is 2011

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Number of items: 49.


Adibatut, Diniyah, (2011) The Effectiveness of Using STAD Method to Improve Reading Comprehension Achievement of Second Years Students at MTs Aswaja Tunggangri Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Ana, Astria, (2011) The Instructional Strategies Used by MAMNU Boarding School to Increase English Proficiency of The Students. [ Skripsi ]

Ani, Pujiastuti, (2011) The Students’ Problems and The Lecture Strategy in Public Speaking Class of Fourth Semester Students of English Education Program at State College for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Arina Shofiya, 197705232003122002 (2011) Peer Review--ELT IN KOREA: ENGLISH AS A COMPULSORY SUBJECT IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND ITS CHALLENGES. Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa IAIN Tulungagung, Tulungagung.

Aziza Fitria, Ghafur (2011) The Effectiveness of Community Language Learning (CLL) in teaching Speaking of Class VIII in MTs Al Huda Bandung Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]


Dedi, Kurniawan (2011) A Descriptive Study of English Community Program of SEC (Smart English Community) At SMPN 2 Kauman Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Dian, Fitaqillah, (2011) Problems in Learning English Vocabulary of the Fifth Year Students at MI Miftahul Huda Banjarejo Rejotangan Tulungagung in the Academic Year 2010/2011. [ Skripsi ]

Dr. Arina Shofiya, M.Pd., 197705232003122002 (2011) Turnitin-- ELT in Korea: English as A Compulsory Subject in Elementary Schools and Its Challenges. Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa IAIN Tulungagung, Tulungagung.


Erna, Fitriani, (2011) The Study of Derivational Words Used in Argumentative Texts in “THE NEW YORK TIMES”. [ Skripsi ]

Ernawati, Ernawati (2011) A Descriptive Study On Teacher’s Motivation Strategies toward the Student’s learning English attitude to The Fifth Class at SDI Walisongo Besuki Tulungagung in Academic Year 2010/ 2011. [ Skripsi ]

Evi, Setyaningsih, (2011) A Descriptive Study on the Role of Parental Support toward Students’ Learning English at Al-Badar Islamic Elementary School. [ Skripsi ]


Fathoni, Ahmad Nur (2011) Improving vocabulary mastery by using index card match game for the first students’ at MTs Darul Hikmah Tawangsari Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]


Galuh Rizki, Setyawati, (2011) A Study On Teaching Reading Comprehension by Using Retelling Technique In the Second Semester Students of English Education Program At State College For Islamic Studies (STAIN) Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]


Herminda, Herminda (2011) The Effectiveness of Using Story Telling Technique to Improve Speaking ability of Second Year Students at SMPN 1 Boyolangu, Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]


Ike Apriliana, Ernawati, (2011) A Contrastive Study of Imperative Sentence in English and Javanese Language. [ Skripsi ]

Imro’atul, Mar’ah, (2011) Javanese Expressions of Joke, Teasing Allusion, and Anger Used by Priyayi and Non- Priyayi in Dukuh Village. [ Skripsi ]

Indah, Puspitorini, (2011) Analysis on Cohesive Devices used in Descriptive Texts of Senior High School Books. [ Skripsi ]

Intan, Meiana Pratiwi, (2011) The Significance of the Main Character’s Conflicts to the Plot in Oppenheim’s Novel Entitled “The Illustrious Prince. [ Skripsi ]


Khoirur, Rohman, (2011) The Contribution of Germanic Language toward English Language as Reflected on the Old English Vocabulary. [ Skripsi ]

KukuhAwang, Wijaya, (2011) TheUse of Bilingual Fable (with picture) as Supplementary to ImproveReadingAbility of the FifthGradeStudents at SDN 2SrikatonNgatruTulungagung. [ Skripsi ]


Laili, Khasanah, (2011) A Study on English Speaking Community at PON-PES Jawahirul Hikmah, Besole, Besuki, Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Langgeng, Sulistiono, (2011) Improving Students’ Reading Skill through Group Investigation Method at the Eleventh Grade of MA.Arrisalah Ponorogo. [ Skripsi ]

Latifatusholikhah, Latifatusholikhah (2011) An Analysis of Ciara’s Selected Song’s Lyrics. [ Skripsi ]

Lina, Kurniyati, (2011) Deixis used in the Readers’ Forum of the Jakarta Post Newspaper. [ Skripsi ]



Muntiyah, Muntiyah (2011) A Descriptive Study on Teaching Reading to the Second Grade Students at MTs Aswaja Tunggangri Kalidawir. [ Skripsi ]

Muyassaroh, Muyassaroh (2011) Analisa Kesalahan penggunaan preposisi yang dibuat oleh siswa kelas VIII SMPN 5 Trenggalek pada tahun akademik 2010 / 2011. [ Skripsi ]


Nayu Zariah, Nikmaturohmah, (2011) The Correlation between Simple Present Tense Mastery and Ability in Writing Descriptive Text of the First Graders of SMPN 1 Kauman. [ Skripsi ]

Neng, Mahmudah, (2011) Descriptive Study on Content Analysis of English Textbook “Let’s Talk” for second grade of Junior High School Published by Pakar Raya. [ Skripsi ]

Nihayatul, Muayadah, (2011) The Effectiveness of Teaching English Vocabulary by Using TPR Method to Fourth Graders of MI Karanggandu –Watulimo Academic Year 2010-2011. [ Skripsi ]

Ni’mah, Diyah Ayu Nurdiani, (2011) An Analysis of Robert Frost’s Selected Poems. Thesis. English Education Program. State Islamic College (STAIN) of Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Nofal, Rohadi, (2011) State Islamic College (STAIN) of Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Nofrilyan, A.P,Fatimatuszahro’, (2011) The Effectiveness of Using Think-Pair-Share Strategy in Improving Students Writing Narrative Text at Class XI Social Program of SMAN 1 Durenan. [ Skripsi ]

Nur, Lailiyah, (2011) The Describe Study on Teaching of Science using English at SD Zumrotus Salamah Tawangsari Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Nurlita, , Suciana Dwi (2011) The Effectiveness of Using Authentic Material in Teaching Reading Comprehension to the First Grade Students of SMAN 1 DURENAN. [ Skripsi ]


Qumil, Laila, (2011) The effectiveness of using KWL (know, want, and learned) strategy toward students’ ability in reading at MTs Wahid Hasyim setinggil Wonodadi Blitar in Academic Year of 2010/2011. [ Skripsi ]


RENI HANUM, SHOKIFAH, (2011) A Study on Teaching and Learning Speaking to the Second Semester Students of English Education Department at STAIN Tulungagung Academic Year 2009/2010. [ Skripsi ]

Rina, Wahyuni, (2011) An Analysis on of English Slogan on Commercial Products. [ Skripsi ]


Siti, Fahima, (2011) The Effectiveness of Using Guided Dialogue Activity toward the Student’s Achievement in Speaking at Seventh Grade Students of MTs AL-HUDA Bandung Academic Year 2010-2011. [ Skripsi ]


Tanti, Praningrum, (2011) Word Sequence in Jakarta Post Headlines Thesis. English Education Program. State Islamic College (STAIN) of Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Trinur, Malia, (2011) The Effectiveness of using Story Book to the Teaching of Vocabulary for the Fourth Grade Students of SDN II Wajaklor Boyolangu Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]


Umaya, Umaya (2011) The Effectiveness of Using Puppet as a Media in Teaching Speaking to the Fourth Grade Students at MI Ummul Akhyar Campurdarat in Academic Year 2010/2011. [ Skripsi ]

Umi, Nashihah, (2011) The Use of Make a Match Board Game to Improve the Fifth Year Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at MI Miftahul Huda Wonorejo Gandusari Trenggalek. [ Skripsi ]

Umi, Sulusiatun Nikmah, (2011) The Use of Chain Word Game to Improve the Fourth Grade Students Vocabulary Ability at SDN 2 Kerjo in Academic Year 2010/2011. [ Skripsi ]

Umi, Sulusiatun Nikmah, (2011) The Use of Chain Word Game to Improve the Fourth Grade Students Vocabulary Ability at SDN 2 Kerjo in Academic Year 2010/2011. [ Skripsi ]

Umika Durin, Maknun, (2011) Politeness Strategies Performed by Main Actors in “Camp Rock” Movie in Producing Directive speech acts. [ Skripsi ]


WIDYA YUNIDA, KHASANA (2011) A Comparative Study on Using English Song and Reading Text toward the Students Vocabulary Mastery to the Fourth Year class At SDN II Purworejo in Academic Year 2010/2011. [ Skripsi ]

Wahyu,, Dadang.K (2011) Politeness Maxims In The Conversations Among people In Dukuh Kupang Surabaya (A Pragmatic Study). [ Skripsi ]


Yuanovita, Prihatianti Fitria, (2011) The Content Analysis Of English Textbook Used By First Grader Of Senior High School Level “Look Ahead” Published By Erlangga. [ Skripsi ]

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