Items where Division is "Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Ilmu Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris" and Year is 2011

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Number of items: 49.


Adibatut, Diniyah, (2011) The Effectiveness of Using STAD Method to Improve Reading Comprehension Achievement of Second Years Students at MTs Aswaja Tunggangri Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Ana, Astria, (2011) The Instructional Strategies Used by MAMNU Boarding School to Increase English Proficiency of The Students. [ Skripsi ]

Ani, Pujiastuti, (2011) The Students’ Problems and The Lecture Strategy in Public Speaking Class of Fourth Semester Students of English Education Program at State College for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Aziza Fitria, Ghafur (2011) The Effectiveness of Community Language Learning (CLL) in teaching Speaking of Class VIII in MTs Al Huda Bandung Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Dedi, Kurniawan (2011) A Descriptive Study of English Community Program of SEC (Smart English Community) At SMPN 2 Kauman Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Dian, Fitaqillah, (2011) Problems in Learning English Vocabulary of the Fifth Year Students at MI Miftahul Huda Banjarejo Rejotangan Tulungagung in the Academic Year 2010/2011. [ Skripsi ]

Erna, Fitriani, (2011) The Study of Derivational Words Used in Argumentative Texts in “THE NEW YORK TIMES”. [ Skripsi ]

Ernawati, Ernawati (2011) A Descriptive Study On Teacher’s Motivation Strategies toward the Student’s learning English attitude to The Fifth Class at SDI Walisongo Besuki Tulungagung in Academic Year 2010/ 2011. [ Skripsi ]

Evi, Setyaningsih, (2011) A Descriptive Study on the Role of Parental Support toward Students’ Learning English at Al-Badar Islamic Elementary School. [ Skripsi ]

Fathoni, Ahmad Nur (2011) Improving vocabulary mastery by using index card match game for the first students’ at MTs Darul Hikmah Tawangsari Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Galuh Rizki, Setyawati, (2011) A Study On Teaching Reading Comprehension by Using Retelling Technique In the Second Semester Students of English Education Program At State College For Islamic Studies (STAIN) Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Herminda, Herminda (2011) The Effectiveness of Using Story Telling Technique to Improve Speaking ability of Second Year Students at SMPN 1 Boyolangu, Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Ike Apriliana, Ernawati, (2011) A Contrastive Study of Imperative Sentence in English and Javanese Language. [ Skripsi ]

Imro’atul, Mar’ah, (2011) Javanese Expressions of Joke, Teasing Allusion, and Anger Used by Priyayi and Non- Priyayi in Dukuh Village. [ Skripsi ]

Indah, Puspitorini, (2011) Analysis on Cohesive Devices used in Descriptive Texts of Senior High School Books. [ Skripsi ]

Intan, Meiana Pratiwi, (2011) The Significance of the Main Character’s Conflicts to the Plot in Oppenheim’s Novel Entitled “The Illustrious Prince. [ Skripsi ]

Khoirur, Rohman, (2011) The Contribution of Germanic Language toward English Language as Reflected on the Old English Vocabulary. [ Skripsi ]

KukuhAwang, Wijaya, (2011) TheUse of Bilingual Fable (with picture) as Supplementary to ImproveReadingAbility of the FifthGradeStudents at SDN 2SrikatonNgatruTulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Laili, Khasanah, (2011) A Study on English Speaking Community at PON-PES Jawahirul Hikmah, Besole, Besuki, Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Langgeng, Sulistiono, (2011) Improving Students’ Reading Skill through Group Investigation Method at the Eleventh Grade of MA.Arrisalah Ponorogo. [ Skripsi ]

Latifatusholikhah, Latifatusholikhah (2011) An Analysis of Ciara’s Selected Song’s Lyrics. [ Skripsi ]

Lina, Kurniyati, (2011) Deixis used in the Readers’ Forum of the Jakarta Post Newspaper. [ Skripsi ]


Muntiyah, Muntiyah (2011) A Descriptive Study on Teaching Reading to the Second Grade Students at MTs Aswaja Tunggangri Kalidawir. [ Skripsi ]

Muyassaroh, Muyassaroh (2011) Analisa Kesalahan penggunaan preposisi yang dibuat oleh siswa kelas VIII SMPN 5 Trenggalek pada tahun akademik 2010 / 2011. [ Skripsi ]

Nayu Zariah, Nikmaturohmah, (2011) The Correlation between Simple Present Tense Mastery and Ability in Writing Descriptive Text of the First Graders of SMPN 1 Kauman. [ Skripsi ]

Neng, Mahmudah, (2011) Descriptive Study on Content Analysis of English Textbook “Let’s Talk” for second grade of Junior High School Published by Pakar Raya. [ Skripsi ]

Nihayatul, Muayadah, (2011) The Effectiveness of Teaching English Vocabulary by Using TPR Method to Fourth Graders of MI Karanggandu –Watulimo Academic Year 2010-2011. [ Skripsi ]

Ni’mah, Diyah Ayu Nurdiani, (2011) An Analysis of Robert Frost’s Selected Poems. Thesis. English Education Program. State Islamic College (STAIN) of Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Nofal, Rohadi, (2011) State Islamic College (STAIN) of Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Nofrilyan, A.P,Fatimatuszahro’, (2011) The Effectiveness of Using Think-Pair-Share Strategy in Improving Students Writing Narrative Text at Class XI Social Program of SMAN 1 Durenan. [ Skripsi ]

Nur, Lailiyah, (2011) The Describe Study on Teaching of Science using English at SD Zumrotus Salamah Tawangsari Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Nurlita, , Suciana Dwi (2011) The Effectiveness of Using Authentic Material in Teaching Reading Comprehension to the First Grade Students of SMAN 1 DURENAN. [ Skripsi ]

Qumil, Laila, (2011) The effectiveness of using KWL (know, want, and learned) strategy toward students’ ability in reading at MTs Wahid Hasyim setinggil Wonodadi Blitar in Academic Year of 2010/2011. [ Skripsi ]

RENI HANUM, SHOKIFAH, (2011) A Study on Teaching and Learning Speaking to the Second Semester Students of English Education Department at STAIN Tulungagung Academic Year 2009/2010. [ Skripsi ]

Rina, Wahyuni, (2011) An Analysis on of English Slogan on Commercial Products. [ Skripsi ]

Siti, Fahima, (2011) The Effectiveness of Using Guided Dialogue Activity toward the Student’s Achievement in Speaking at Seventh Grade Students of MTs AL-HUDA Bandung Academic Year 2010-2011. [ Skripsi ]

Tanti, Praningrum, (2011) Word Sequence in Jakarta Post Headlines Thesis. English Education Program. State Islamic College (STAIN) of Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Trinur, Malia, (2011) The Effectiveness of using Story Book to the Teaching of Vocabulary for the Fourth Grade Students of SDN II Wajaklor Boyolangu Tulungagung. [ Skripsi ]

Umaya, Umaya (2011) The Effectiveness of Using Puppet as a Media in Teaching Speaking to the Fourth Grade Students at MI Ummul Akhyar Campurdarat in Academic Year 2010/2011. [ Skripsi ]

Umi, Nashihah, (2011) The Use of Make a Match Board Game to Improve the Fifth Year Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at MI Miftahul Huda Wonorejo Gandusari Trenggalek. [ Skripsi ]

Umi, Sulusiatun Nikmah, (2011) The Use of Chain Word Game to Improve the Fourth Grade Students Vocabulary Ability at SDN 2 Kerjo in Academic Year 2010/2011. [ Skripsi ]

Umi, Sulusiatun Nikmah, (2011) The Use of Chain Word Game to Improve the Fourth Grade Students Vocabulary Ability at SDN 2 Kerjo in Academic Year 2010/2011. [ Skripsi ]

Umika Durin, Maknun, (2011) Politeness Strategies Performed by Main Actors in “Camp Rock” Movie in Producing Directive speech acts. [ Skripsi ]

WIDYA YUNIDA, KHASANA (2011) A Comparative Study on Using English Song and Reading Text toward the Students Vocabulary Mastery to the Fourth Year class At SDN II Purworejo in Academic Year 2010/2011. [ Skripsi ]

Wahyu,, Dadang.K (2011) Politeness Maxims In The Conversations Among people In Dukuh Kupang Surabaya (A Pragmatic Study). [ Skripsi ]

Yuanovita, Prihatianti Fitria, (2011) The Content Analysis Of English Textbook Used By First Grader Of Senior High School Level “Look Ahead” Published By Erlangga. [ Skripsi ]


Arina Shofiya, 197705232003122002 (2011) Peer Review--ELT IN KOREA: ENGLISH AS A COMPULSORY SUBJECT IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND ITS CHALLENGES. Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa IAIN Tulungagung, Tulungagung.

Dr. Arina Shofiya, M.Pd., 197705232003122002 (2011) Turnitin-- ELT in Korea: English as A Compulsory Subject in Elementary Schools and Its Challenges. Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa IAIN Tulungagung, Tulungagung.

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